CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Ethical Code
The Ethical Code and Conduct outline the values, ethical principles, and mandatory standards to ensure respect for our surroundings and compliance with current legislation by all employees and collaborators.
Quality, Safety, and Environmental Policy
The Quality, Safety, and Environmental Policy encompasses the principles for effective work and ensures a safe and healthy working environment. Safety in the workplace, as well as the safety of those around us, is a priority to continuously reduce risks in any of our environments.
Equality Plan and Workplace Harassment Protocol
The Equality Plan’s main objective is to ensure equal treatment and opportunities in all areas of the company. The Workplace Harassment Protocol establishes rules to prevent situations of harassment based on gender and/or psychological reasons. This protocol defines behaviors to be prevented and outlines specific measures to handle potential complaints or claims.

Collaboration with Friends of Rimkieta Foundation (FAR)
ALTTION collaborates with the Friends of Rimkieta Foundation (FAR) by planting and cultivating trees to improve the environment, ecosystem, and living conditions of the residents in the Rimkieta neighborhood and its surroundings in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, one of the world’s poorest regions.

Adherence to the Global Compact
“We have joined the Global Compact and commit to aligning our operations with ten universally accepted Principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment, and anti-corruption efforts, and to support the United Nations’ goals, currently embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
Statement by Oscar Ferreon, CEO of ALTTION